Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Monday, June 26th, 2023

This is a web page about your personal data and our desire to be a good steward of your privacy to the best of our abilities while you are here. We do not want your personal data, and we work against collecting it. There are services we use, however, such as YouTube, that do collect your data, and we want you to be aware of that.

Who we are

Our website address is

Media on this website

Embedded media players ⚠️

We embed media players from other sites, such as,,,,,, and others. When you view embedded content from external websites, it functions just like you are directly accessing their website. Assume these embedded players are collecting data about you, using cookies, using additional third-party tracking tools, and monitoring your interactions with that embedded content.

If we hear about some particularly gross stuff these websites are doing to compromise your privacy through embedded media players, we will do our best to block it or try to get media from other sources.

Images and photos

We try to avoid uploading photos of people with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included in the metadata of the image. Visitors (most likely bots) to our website can download these images and extract this location data from the photos. This data could be used to compromise your privacy. Not good.


We don’t cookie you. You can get cookied if you visit this site’s login page. We don’t link to our login page, and the login URL is obfuscated. We don’t want you to log in or create an account. If you got to our login page, you’ve done something weird and probably by accident (or you are a bot trying to brute force our site). Should this happen, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.


We don’t run Google Analytics. We do run Jetpack‘s Accelerator, Protect, and Akismet Anti-spam products to help speed up our website. We don’t run the other Jetpack tools (Jetpack Analytics, etc.)

We rotate our server logs weekly

Our website traffic logs are deleted weekly.

We do not send, sell, share, or trade your data with other people


Data breaches

You have no account information, passwords, or other personally identifiable information on our web server. We prefer it that way.

Should our server get hacked, it is possible, but not likely, that our web server logs would get extracted. These logs store your IP address and the web assets, such as HTML pages and images you accessed.

We do not accept third-party data


Automated decision-making and/or user profiling


Email correspondence

We use Fastmail for our email accounts. Fastmail professes to be a privacy-first company, and so far, we have been happy with their efforts. Let us know if you have had negative experiences with them.

Email newsletter

We use Buttondown for our email newsletter. Buttondown articulates a convincing position and set of privacy features. The services does have tracking options, and all but one of them are turned off by default. We like this! We liked it so much that we signed up and turned off that one too!
❌ Page views
❌ Email clicks
❌ Email opens
❌ Transactional emails
❌ UTM information (on by default)